Difference Between Kindling and Tinder

Difference Between Kindling and Tinder

Tinder and kindling play distinct roles in fire, necessitating distinct handling procedures. Tinder burns much faster than kindling, is more likely to catch on fire, necessitates more stringent safety precautions, and is responsible for starting the fire. Kindling burns slower and is safer to store, and it nurtures the flame to the point where it…

How To Make Homemade Tinder

How To Make Homemade Tinder

Tinder is the building block of any good fire. Your ignitor ignites tinder, which then ignites kindling, which lights the primary fuel source (eg. a log). People who haven’t built a natural fire before frequently underestimate the importance of tinder and kindling — without it, you might be stuck in the rain trying to light…

Veggies That Grow Quickly and Can Be Harvested in a Month

Veggies That Grow Quickly and Can Be Harvested in a Month

Perhaps you now have more area for a garden than you did previously. Maybe you now have more time to tend to your garden. Perhaps you’d like to know which plants provide the greatest food in the shortest length of time in these uncertain times. With this list of eight fast-growing vegetables, we’ve got you…

Simple Guide To Starting A Basic Survival Seed Bank

Simple Guide To Starting A Basic Survival Seed Bank

After a catastrophic calamity, food, water, and shelter are the three most important things to have. Food, however, will be the hardest to obtain of the three. Making ensuring you have enough food to last once the supermarkets stop for good necessitates a multi-pronged approach. While hoarding canned food and other long-lasting items is a…