Best Survival Spear To Add To Your Prepper Stash
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Best Survival Spear To Add To Your Prepper Stash

Spears are regarded as the most powerful hand-to-hand weapon. They’ve been used for hunting, sport, and enjoyment for ages. Tactical spears build on an age-old design by making them almost indestructible and razor-sharp. What is the purpose of a tactical spear? Because they’re entertaining and may be used tactically for self-defense, hunting, survival, and leisure…

Best Laundry Alternatives Without Electricity

Best Laundry Alternatives Without Electricity

If you live off the grid, your electricity supply is likely limited, making using an electric washing machine to do your laundry impractical. There are several alternatives you can use, and the majority of them only require manual operation to function. The following are the best methods for doing off-grid laundry: washboard method plunger method…

Want To Live Off Grid? You Need this Checklist

Want To Live Off Grid? You Need this Checklist

Living off the grid to reconnect with nature and escape the city’s daily grind is a romantic notion. However, it is not something you should do hastily. First, make a concrete plan and complete everything on the “off-grid living” checklist. A systematic plan is essential for preparing to live off the grid. Examine your finances,…

6 Secrets To Long-Term Outdoor Survival

6 Secrets To Long-Term Outdoor Survival

The 5 C’s are a collection of equipment and tools that are often found at the heart of any survival kit. It lists the top five most important types of items that significantly improve survivability. Cutting Tools Combustion Devices Cover Container Cordage See also: Top 20 Barter Items to Stockpile Secrets To Long-Term Outdoor Survival…