17 Survival Uses For Lipstick Everyone Should Know

17 Survival Uses For Lipstick Everyone Should Know

If you’re preparing for an emergency, consider adding lipstick to your bug-out bag or your prepper stash. It could save your life one day. Lipstick is important for survival due to its main makeup being petroleum which means you can make a great firestarter, leave a waterproof message and even use it as emergency sunscreen….

How A Portable Generator Exhaust Temperature Feature Works

How A Portable Generator Exhaust Temperature Feature Works

As a by-product of generating energy, portable generators produce a lot of heat. The heat is ejected via the exhaust system. Portable generator exhaust has an average temperature of 600 degrees Fahrenheit. It may reach temperatures above 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. The size, kind, and fuel supply of the generator all have an impact on the…

20 Best Items To Stockpile Which You Can Barter In An Emergency

20 Best Items To Stockpile Which You Can Barter In An Emergency

Be prepared with these bartering items if society ever collapses and currency becomes useless. In an apocalypse situation, you’ll want to have these bartering items on hand. Bug-out bags have limited storage space, it’s critical to be judicious about what you stockpile. The following are some of the most crucial barter items to have on…

How To Heat A Tent Safely In An Emergency Situation

How To Heat A Tent Safely In An Emergency Situation

Heat is required for our bodies to function normally. The average body temperature is around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 oC). When exposed to moisture and cold weather, people tend to lose body heat more quickly. If too much heat is lost and the body temperature falls below 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius), a medical…

Best Laundry Alternatives Without Electricity

Best Laundry Alternatives Without Electricity

If you live off the grid, your electricity supply is likely limited, making using an electric washing machine to do your laundry impractical. There are several alternatives you can use, and the majority of them only require manual operation to function. The following are the best methods for doing off-grid laundry: washboard method plunger method…

How To Use Activated Charcoal for Stomach Bugs In An emergency

How To Use Activated Charcoal for Stomach Bugs In An emergency

Activated charcoal is available in a variety of forms, including tablets, capsules, pellets, powder, and suspension. It is primarily used as an antidote to poisons and drugs. It is currently being used off-label to treat bloating, diarrhoea, and stomach bugs. There is still no concrete evidence that activated charcoal can be used to treat stomach…

Want To Live Off Grid? You Need this Checklist

Want To Live Off Grid? You Need this Checklist

Living off the grid to reconnect with nature and escape the city’s daily grind is a romantic notion. However, it is not something you should do hastily. First, make a concrete plan and complete everything on the “off-grid living” checklist. A systematic plan is essential for preparing to live off the grid. Examine your finances,…