15 Aspects You Need to Be Aware Of If You’re Planning To Bug in

15 Aspects You Need to Be Aware Of If You’re Planning To Bug in

Although we’ve all heard of bugging out, there are instances when hunkering down or “bugging in” makes more sense. Bugging in is staying at home while maintaining a low profile. You don’t go out, shop, or communicate with others, and you remain vigilant… Does this ring a bell? Although the COVID-19 outbreak prompted many individuals…

Best Emergency Candles For Every Situation

Best Emergency Candles For Every Situation

Since the beginning of time, candles have been people’s and preppers’ favorite accouterment. We can’t think of a more dependable product that delivers enough light at the most inconvenient times. During the most crucial emergencies, their effective yet straightforward character never fails to brighten up and warm the area. LED torches and light battery packs…

Non Perishable Foods to Add To Your 72-Hour Emergency Food Kit

Non Perishable Foods to Add To Your 72-Hour Emergency Food Kit

I was puzzled when I sat down to put together our 72-hour kits recently! I couldn’t think of anything else besides a few articles of clothing, some water, food, and soap. What is a 72-hour kit, exactly? What is included in a 72-hour kit? What else could we possibly require? I started to work thinking…

Ultimate List Of Important Survival Medical Supplies You Need

Ultimate List Of Important Survival Medical Supplies You Need

If you’ve seen the movie After Armageddon, you know how important it is to keep any wound clean. My family has experienced a Staph infection, which is excruciatingly painful and, if not treated promptly, fatal. Even the tiniest cut might get infected with Staph. The items I have on hand are listed below. The majority…