
how long does dehydrated food last if vacuum sealed

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Dehydrating food is a time-honored method of food preservation. This method of food preservation works by removing the moisture content. A lack of moisture keeps food fresh and safe for consumption.

Dehydrated food can be safely stored for a long time and enjoyed in the future. This food preservation method aids in the storage of excess food for future use.

So, how long does vacuum-sealed dehydrated food last?

Dehydrated food, on the other hand, can be stored for up to 30 years if properly vacuum sealed. It is critical to ensure long-lasting food by properly preparing the food and understanding the optimum storage temperature to dehydrate at. You’ll be fine if you can keep oxygen and moisture from accumulating in your food.

These were only the fundamentals. We have included a comprehensive discussion about dehydrating food and its shelf life. So, what are you holding out for? Start digging.

How Long Does Vacuum Sealed Dehydrated Food Last?

You can actually store food for that long if you know the right method. Dehydrated vegetables and dehydrated meat typically lasts 5-10 years, but if vacuum sealed, it can last up to 30 years. Yes, that is how long vacuum-sealed dehydrated food lasts.

If you’re lazy and like to keep your food, or if you enjoy camping and need to carry a large amount of food. You must ensure that the food is not harmed. Then dehydrating and vacuum sealing the dried food is your best bet. Because some of this food has a shelf life of up to 25 years.

Most goods now have a shelf life of 20-30 years, however meat and fish only have a shelf life of 3-5 years. However, if you follow the right dehydration and sealing directions, you’ll be fine for years. Most goods now have a shelf life of 20-30 years, however meat and fish only have a shelf life of 3-5 years. However, if you follow the right dehydration and sealing directions, you’ll be fine for years.

How To Make Your Food Last Longer

Once those meals have been vacuum-packed and dehydrated, all that remains is proper storage. Just make sure your food is at the proper temperature, moisture, and light levels. Also, make sure the vacuum seal is still intact.

If you want to be extra cautious, place each of the food packs in a separate pack. To make matters worse, there are some excellent reusable bags available. I would avoid plastic bags, but as a second or third layer of protection, they would be ok.

Some of them are specially designed for camping and other outdoor activities. So, get some of those and keep your vacuum-sealed food in them.

Aside from double packing or triple packing, there is another activity you must complete if you want to assure food life and prevent bacteria growth for long-term storage. Make certain that your food is free of rats and other pests. So, while camping, you should think about food storage.

We have another suggestion for you. If you don’t want bears, rodents, and other wild animals to share your food, make sure you store the vacuum seal packets correctly after use. Because the stench emanating from the bags may attract animals. This is also to ensure your storage time is longer.

How to Vacuum Seal Dehydrated Food


The first thing to note is that the food will shrink significantly after drying. For example, 450 grams of pear would yield 1 cup of dry slices. As a result, it’s critical that you understand portion sizes and cut your fruits and veggies or meat proportionately.

As a general rule, cut into 3mm thickness since it is the optimal size. Because it is a small pocket knife, you can complete the task with a regular knife.

Before you dehydrate and vacuum seal your low acid vegetables, make sure to steam them first. Steam them for at least 10 minutes before drying them.


Two aspects must be considered throughout the dehydration process whether you’ve got dried fruit or soups and meats. When dehydrating food, make sure the drying temperature and moisture level are both optimal. A minor error in this step could result in spoiled food. In that manner, your vacuum-sealed food can spoil without your knowledge.

You’ll also need a good dehydrator if you’re looking for long-term food storage to ensure there is an absence of oxygen in your dry insect-proof containers.

It can be difficult to determine which temperature to use while dehydrating food. We frequently use too high a temperature without considering how it may affect the meal. As a result, it’s critical to purchase a decent dehydrator and keep the dehydrator temperature at the proper level.

We are frequently inclined to increase the temperature in order to speed up the process, but this is where we go wrong. As a result, the fruits and vegetables develop a rough outer peel with a not-so-dry interior. Furthermore, raising the temperature too high damages all of the beneficial enzymes owing to the heat. This means that the nutrients in the food are lost. As a result, all of the advantages are effectively lost.

While most fruits and vegetables dehydrate well at temperatures between 125 and 135 degrees Fahrenheit, items such as meat can tolerate higher temperatures.

Fruits with minimal moisture content typically last longer than all dried meals combined. Because moisture accelerates the growth of mold in certain meals. So, when it comes to dehydrating food, moisture is never a good thing.

How can I tell whether my meal is dry enough? When the fruits or veggies have leathery skin and can be bent, you know these babies have died off totally.

At this point, you should retain them inside the dehydrator or in a zip bag to uniformly spread the remaining moisture and eliminate any damp patches. Conditioning is another term for this.

Fruits having a high moisture content, such as apricots and plums, are stickier. As a result, their shelf life is considerably reduced.


To avoid oxidation, vacuum seals the food immediately in vacuum bags after cutting it down and packing it. As previously said, you can double pack these in a heat-sealed bag. This procedure will aid in the preservation of food nutrients.

If you use glass jars, you can use jar sealer attachments that come with some vacuum sealing machines when sealing your dehydrated meals.

You must now understand exactly how to keep dehydrated food. Because once the sealing is completed, there isn’t much further to do other than follow proper storing directions.

It is critical to preserve food at the proper temperature and location. It is critical to keep your food in a cold, dark spot away from light. Your dark place should also be a dry place for best results. Temperature can have a significant impact on the nutrients in food and cause damage.

Now, preserving meat and fish might be difficult because they can go rancid quickly. Meat cannot be stored at room temperature for an extended period of time. Keep them in the freezer to extend their vacuum-sealed shelf life.

You can also use oxygen absorbers in conjunction with vacuum seal mylar bags. It’s worth it because these absorb oxygen and help your food last longer.

When it comes to powdered foods, insert a coffee filter or paper towel inside the bag before sealing it. Vacuum sealer bags can frequently crush fragile foods, hence it is critical to configure the vacuum seal to allow for less force.

Follow all of the food storage guidelines, then pack your rucksack with food that will survive for years in case you get stranded. If you don’t want to loose any food, make sure your assault pack is correctly fastened to your backpack.

long term storage Tips

Even while keeping food for 25 years seems fantastic, you will have to fight for it. There are a few items that can be classified as food storage foes. These variables frequently reduce the food’s storage or shelf life. However, there is some debate over whether MREs are dehydrated food or not.

Because MREs are likewise packaged and have a very extended shelf life. However, dehydrated foods and MREs are not the same thing. Concerns should also be raised about MRE heaters. That is why MREs require their own unique heater to function properly.

You might be wondering how long dehydrated fruits and veggies last. So, if you can keep these food storage foes under control, you can keep them for a long period.


For starters, cooking at too high a temperature might damage the dish and even interfere with its flavour. In this situation, cooler temperatures are preferable over heated ones. If the temperature swings too much, the food’s storage life will be shortened.


Moisture accelerates mould growth and causes dry food to degrade. Excess moisture in food will deteriorate it even if it is vacuum sealed.


Oxygen reacts with food particles, breaking down nutrients. As a result, the taste of the dish deteriorates. Food is frequently oxidised, which significantly affects its shelf life.


Light photons, once again, tend to break down the fats and nutrients in meals. This degrades both the flavour and the nutritional value of the food. As a result, the meal may become contaminated before long.

There’s one more thing to say about this. And this is the most crucial.

If you want the food to last a long time, you must first ensure that it is properly processed. For example, if it is not properly stored, it will not last long. It’s simple reasoning.

what Could Go Wrong

There are certain critical variables to consider when sealing dried food. If you don’t, your dehydrated food will be ruined.


Before putting the food in the dehydrator, make sure you check all of the boxes. Any error in the process will result in a negative outcome. So make sure you follow the right food preparation instructions.

Temperature of the Dehydrator

Choosing the proper temperature is critical when dehydrating food. Because excessive heat may reduce the nutritional value of the food. That is why it is critical to understand the optimum temperature for dehydrating your food.

Moisture Management

Moisture is another important factor to consider while preserving dehydrated food. It is critical to keep moisture levels as low as possible in all type of food you’re storing. This will make the meal last longer. If you can break a piece of food without it shattering, your food has been adequately dried. Keeping moisture at bay will ensure that bacteria growth doesn’t happen in your storage container and the shelf life of dehydrated food is expanded.

Storage and Packaging

Food oxidation can be avoided by properly packing and storing it. So make sure you take all of the packing stages thoroughly and attempt to keep as much air out as possible. Airtight containers and glass jars (mason jars), as well as vacuum seal bags, are the best way to prevent the oxidation of food items.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can dehydrated food be spoiled?

In the presence of oxygen and moisture, dehydrated food can spoil. To protect food from spoiling, keep it away from light and use oxygen absorbers to absorb oxygen and moisture.

Can you keep food in the dehydrator overnight?

Dehydrators are intended to be left on for 24 hours or more. This aids in the uniform removal of moisture from food.

How can you tell if food is dehydrated?

When your food has a leathery texture and is free of moisture, it is done. Furthermore, the meal will be almost but not quite fragile.

How to store dehydrated food?

Make sure the dehydrated food is properly stored in an airtight bag. After that, store the food in a dry, cool area. You should pack your foods based on your daily intake.

How long does a dehydrated fruit last?

Dehydrated food can be stored for up to five years. Fruits will survive longer if they are properly prepared, dehydrated, and stored at a suitable temperature. For example, up to ten years or more.

Dehydrating Food For Survival Bottom Line

Dehydrated food is now the greatest way to survive in the wilderness. You can dehydrate all of your necessities and have them with you in case of need. You can also gather wild herbs and mushrooms and dehydrate them to keep them fresh for a long time.

Vacuum-sealed meals can last for a long time while still providing adequate nourishment. As a result, make sure that all of your dried fruits and veggies are vacuum sealed.

That was all we had to say. We hope our post has answered all of your questions about how long dehydrated food lasts if vacuum packed.

You should now be able to dehydrate and vacuum seal your food for an extended period of time. So, follow our advice and you’ll be able to enjoy your dehydrated food for years to come.

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