
13 Survival Tips from the Great Depression

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My grandma used to tell me stories about growing up during the Great Depression. She’s told me about waiting in lines for cheese and bread rations, and how they could only afford one pair of shoes each year, which they wore until the bottoms were worn off.

I’ve always appreciated the foresight and tenacity of those who grew up during this period. Growing up in such a difficult environment instills mental toughness and the ability to deal with practically any situation.

We can learn some survival strategies from folks who grew up during the Great Depression.

See also: Top 20 Barter Items to Stockpile

Reuse Everything

My grandmother is still the type who saves everything she can in case she needs it later. Fabric scraps, wrapping paper, pill bottles, and a plethora of other materials that we might consider trash can all be reused and repurposed. Don’t throw anything away if you think it might come in use later.

Meat Extenders

People used “fillers” like oatmeal or lentils to thicken out their meat meals and make them go a bit further during the Great Depression. This is also an excellent approach to improve the nutritional value of your meals.

Make Your Own Soaps

Soap, shampoo, and toothpaste can all be created at home for a fraction of the price.

Do It yourself

While it may be handy to hire someone to mow your lawn, change your oil, or clean your house, you are essentially wasting money. Do it yourself to save money, and enlist the cooperation of the youngsters.

Grow Your Own Food

Growing your own food is not only a fun and healthy activity, but it also saves you money year after year.

Skip The Brand Names

Name brand doesn’t always imply better when it comes to clothing, food, cleansers, and medications. Do your homework and go generic.

Use Less

Most of us, believe it or not, use too much soap, shampoo, and laundry detergent. “Just a dab will do,” our ancestors learned, and any more is a waste.

Clean With Vinegar

Vinegar is a fantastic natural cleaner for the home. Everything from cleaning windows and mirrors to deodorizing drains may be done with it.

Sew and Repair

Sewing your own garments is enjoyable and cost-effective, and understanding how to mend them can help you to get a lot more wear out of them.

Reuse Jars

Butter and sour cream tubs, for example, can be cleaned and reused for a variety of uses. Even an old mayonnaise jar can be used to create your own “wonder safe.”

Raise Animals

Smaller animals such as rabbits and chickens can be raised in your backyard and killed for food if you don’t have enough room for large cattle.

Store Food

Food that is canned and stored for long-term usage saves money and keeps food from going to waste.

Spend Time With Family

One of the things I’ve always admired about my grandma and her siblings is how close they’ve remained over the years. Times of adversity has a way of uniting us, and cherishing the time you spend with your family will make the difficult times seem a bit less so. Even if SHTF, keeping physically and emotionally close to your family will give you hope and comfort no matter what occurs.

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